Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Search and rescue

Each season, the Forest Service dispatch department (at least in Alaska), sends out an e-mail covering sunrise, sunset and the time to be back at home base. The "be back at home base" indicates what time the aircraft or boat needs to be back at its base to allow time for Search and Rescue activities. For example, right now, the sun rises at 8:13 a.m. and sets at 3:53 p.m., which means you better be back by 2:53 p.m. or they're coming to look for ya!

They also are very particular about how often you check in when you're out and about. You must report in every 30 minutes. This is quite different than the Park Service, where you basically have to tell them when you're leaving and when you'll be back ... unless weather is bad and then it's a whole different ballgame.

Ah, life in Alaska....

1 comment:

Doogman said...