Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Duck demise

If you were reading my blog in December, you know I was caring for and herding a flock of 9 ducks (plus holiday visitors). While in my care, no ducks were harmed in any way.

Yesterday, while hiking with the duck's owner, I learned that two of the ducks met their untimely demise just this week. It seems that eagles often prey on ducks and that's exactly what happened. (It caused quite a ruckus and I'm sure Louie was scared.)

In the meantime, the duck(s) have laid about 4 known eggs. I estimate that each egg costs a mere $1,625 when you factor in food, the duck house, time, care and maintenance costs. But, I hear the eggs are delicious!

1 comment:

Doogman said...

Wow. Nature red in tooth and claw - RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR. Oh well, my pal in Nederland has that beat - got to watch a neighbor's yappy poodle become lunch for a mountain lion - ONE THE NEIGHBOR'S PORCH. That'll put ya off yer wheaties.

Poor Louie. Dewey and Hughie got it.