Friday, February 20, 2009

Top 10 Rules for living at 1644-A

Here are a few items we were admonished for at our Key West shared housing unit. (These are all in addition to the "helpful" advice blasted at us, such as don't use V05 shampoo, don't drink tap water, don't drink Coke, don't eat any meat except Greenwise brand, don't drink any milk except Greenwise brand, etc.) Fortunately, we have since moved into a different, friendlier apartment at 1645-D.

  1. Don't leave the dryer door open.
  2. Don't move any of the bricks blocking the doorway. (They are there to prevent evil/negative energy from entering the household.)
  3. Don't move any crystals placed around the house. (They are strategically placed; similar to the above.)
  4. Don't bring food into your bedroom. (I won't even comment.)
  5. Don't have any guns in the house. (We're both taking a concealed carry class soon.)
  6. Don't scratch the pans. (Like we've never cooked before.)
  7. Don't eat the blue tortilla chips. (Like we eat other people's food.)
  8. Don't leave the bread bag on the kitchen counter. (I thought kitchens were for food storage.)
  9. Don't leave dirty dishes in the kitchen for more than 60 seconds.
  10. Don't leave the grill dirty and make sure you spend at least 15 minutes cleaning the exterior after use.


David said...

Kinda like moving back home to live with insane parents.

Doogman said...

Those aren't 'rules' they're a cry for help.

HW said...

Do they have stock in Greenwise?

HW said...

What rules are you going to give them? I think it should be something like your first step must be with your left foot.

Why no VO5 shampoo?

The Big Guy said...


I'm dying to know who shared that apartment with you...
Those are some really...uh...odd rules.

See ya in May...


KIA said...

Insane parents at least would be paying for everything and have some sort of justification. As for VO5, well, I guess it is not of a high enough standard. As for who these folks are ... Big Guy, if you start any rumors I will know where they came from 'cause you would be the only one knowing about this blog. We have quiet bullets! And know where a mean rooster lives! (Although if he keeps crowing at 3:40 a.m. those quiet bullets might have another use.) ;-)

The Big Guy said...

Your secret is safe with me, K...

Having lived in the Keys (Marathon) for 17 years, and been visiting/volunteering regularly at DRTO for 10 years, I can safely say I've pretty much seen it all...

I have another group coming down the first weekend in May.
If you're on-island, y'all c'mon out to the campground... We'll be the ones with more booze than food.



KIA said...

I'll bring the ice and straws!