Friday, January 21, 2011

Shoulder surgery

Robin underwent shoulder surgery yesterday to remedy an AC joint problem. Thankfully, the rotator cuff was not torn (much) and did not need repair. The surgeon removed a whole lotta bone and a whole lotta bursa that was causing impingement anytime he moved his shoulder. Essentially, she gave him an intentional "Type 1 shoulder separation".

The patient is resting comfortably, thanks to heavy-duty drugs. Keep your fingers crossed that the medication keeps the pain at bay! Last night was tough but we have a handle on things ... at least for now, anyway.


Doogman said...

A good woman to nurse you when you're hurting is a blessing. God bless you for being at his side. I'm certain he adores you more now than ever. Speedy recovery Robin!

KIA said...

Robin's recovery continues on a great pace ... as long as he can abide by doctor's directives (and Karen's mandates), a full and speedy 100% recovery is anticipated by May.