Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good news and not-so-good news

The good news is my brother Lee is back from Iraq!

He returned just in time for the Memorial Day parade last week. I do mean "just in time" ... with 10 minutes to spare! Robin and I watched said parade and spoke at the same time: "That looks like Lee ... that IS Lee!" He returned about a week early and we are all very happy to have him back. This should be his last deployment but ya never know.

The not-so-good-news is that my mom's brain tumor and dementia continue to worsen. She's confined to a wheelchair now and can hardly move. On good days, she can speak coherently some of the time. I was fortunate enough to be able to spend the past month with her. We had some good times, some laughs, some nice car rides in the countryside and continued our ongoing research project: Conducting ice cream taste tests and reviews.

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