Friday, January 2, 2009

All in a day's work

Whatever happened to those dreams of an isolated, deserted island? It sure isn't deserted here!

This past week, both ferries have been at full capacity, hauling about 125 people each every single day. That's a daily influx of 200 people.

Add to that some guy accidentally falling off the second story and subsequent helicopter medivac. We worked past midnight that night, clearing the landing area, notifying campers, all sorts of stuff.

Then, our first batch of Cubans arrived last night. The poor law enforcement ranger has to stand guard over them until the Coast Guard comes to pick them up. Reportedly, the Coast Guard is not cooperating fully in arranging the pick up. Hope I don't have to get my bear spray!

I'm tired!


Doogman said...

Cubans? Check them for cigars.

KIA said...

They spent 26 hours on the open ocean on a beat up chug. Ug! As far as cigars go, that is considered contraband. All contraband must be confiscated and burned (using whatever method deemed appropriate).